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The universal charger is here

Say goodbye to cables and wires A young engineer from UPC is marketing a charger for different portable devices in more than 10 countries. Designed in Barcelona and manufactured in the world's great factory, China, the Idapt is available in conventional electronics stores and on the Internet. Its strong point: a simultaneous and ecological charge.


How many times do we check our suitcases before heading off on a trip to make sure we haven't forgotten any of the chargers for the many portable devices we will need? Cell phones, digital cameras, electronic diaries, iPods, MP3 players, etc., all form part of the universe of electronic devices that, today, are almost essential. Jacques Giribet, an entrepreneur with a degree in industrial engineering from UPC, became aware of this reality while on a trip and that idea became a business venture, the Idapt, which is now being sold in more than 10 countries.

What is the secret of the Idapt? Quite simply, its ability to adapt. Giribet designed an adapter for all types of devices so we can say goodbye to the many chargers we would normally have to carry around. It is a platform that comes in different colors and has different connectors that can be swapped according to the user's requirements. The Idapt currently has seven connectors but packs are already being sold with individual ones. So now you can buy from the store the type of connector that fits your new cell phone, whether it's a Nokia, Samsung or Sony Ericsson. Idapt aims to change the concept of conventional charging and introduces a single, simultaneous, ergonomic and ecological power supply. Different manufacturers produce their own standards and this invention makes it possible to overcome incompatibility between devices from different companies.


International right from the start

The company has grown rapidly. This is clear from the fact that the Idapt is already being sold in Andorra, Portugal, Italy, Denmark, the United Kingdom, Lithuania and the United Arab Emirates. Giribet is very positive about the Idapt's first steps, though it has not been easy. This young engineer values the financial support he received. UPC's Innova program served as a springboard and CIDEM, the institution for the promotion of innovation of the Department of Universities and Enterprise of the Catalan Autonomous Government, and private partners completed the financing phase. Idapt has not severed ties with the university and still receives cooperation from the doctoral students of the UPC Department of Telecommunications.

The adaptor is manufactured in China and Giribet has travelled there on more than one occasion; first to look for suppliers and afterwards to keep a close eye on the entire process, thereby also preventing counterfeiting, which is an almost endemic problem in China.


The Internet: another sales channel

The Idapt can be purchased both in conventional consumer electronics stores, such as MediaMarkt, and in designer stores like Vinçon. This was not intended to be a mass-market invention at any price (it costs €49.90); the company wanted to position it in specific market segments. But Idapt has not ignored Internet sales. At the moment, the company website still acts more as a calling card, though the number of Internet sales is gradually increasing.

Presence at international trade fairs was the other smart move by the Idapt team. Under the direction of Giribet, the company has promoted its multiple charger at leading trade fairs, such as CeBIT in Hannover (Germany), and this year, it will also be at the World Mobile Telephony Conference in Barcelona. "It is essential for us to be present at industry fairs because it opens doors for us", explained Giribet, who is also the founder of the technology consulting company, Inoitulos. The future of this venture, born in the university environment, will involve continued innovation and dealing with the competition that has arisen.



Idapt responds

Who: Jacques Giribet, industrial engineer and founder of the Inoitulos consulting company

When: 2006

What: A universal charger for different portable devices

Where: Designed in Barcelona and manufactured in China

For whom: Domestic and professional use

Why: To forget about chargers



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