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The UPC’s University Vision Centre (CUV) undertakes training, research and healthcare and is the only centre of its kind in Spain

The centre occupies 800 m2 and is furnished with the latest equipment. It has 11 specialised units and employs twenty professionals. Consequently, it has the capacity to treat over 10,000 patients a year.


The University Vision Centre (CUV) was opened on the 26 June. It begins operation in July, and will provide a comprehensive, quality service. In addition, 150 students per year will undertake their clinical training at the centre, where they will experience a real work environment in which leading visual health research is carried out.

In 1990, the EUOOT created the Optometry Clinic, which was a forerunner of the University Vision Centre (CUV). This clinic had an annual capacity of 2,200 patients. In UPC’s new CUV space, over 10,000 patients can be treated annually. Most of these patients will have visual defects and eye disorders, and limited financial resources. Patients will be transferred to the centre by the social services of over 20 town councils and six institutions that have agreements with the EUOOT.

To deal with the expected volume of patients, the CUV has new equipment and multidisciplinary professional teams (specialised in optics, optometry, and ophthalmology). This creates the ideal environment for treating patients. The CUV is the only centre in Spain with these characteristics.



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