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Declaration of the UPC against the violence unjustified and unjustifiable

Declaration of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) after the episodes of violence, unjustified and unjustifiable, exercised in Catalonia in the last hours.


After the episodes of violence, unjustified and unjustifiable, exercised in Catalonia in the last hours by the guardia civil and the policía nacional, we express our rejection, our indignation and our most energetic condemnation.

At UPC we believe that the use of force against citizens is unacceptable in democracy and that violence - by definition - can never be proportional.

Beyond the various political positions of all the people that make up the UPC community, we agree to reiterate that the only possible way in any conflict, is dialogue and we will not get tired of claiming it as the only legitimate weapon in democracy.

October, 1rst, 2017

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