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Future challenges for the Barcelona Knowledge Campus

The Barcelona Knowledge Campus (BKC) is consolidating its management model five years after achieving International Campus of Excellence status and will strive to maintain its position as a major knowledge hub in southern Europe. The main achievements of the BKC and the challenges for the coming years will be presented at a ceremony on the North Campus on 19 February.

href=""href=""href=""" target="_blank">Maritime Engineering Laboratory (LIM) have been rehabilitated.

estudiants barcelona knowledge campusEfforts have also focused on improving the accessibility of the campuses, the participation of teaching staff in activities to foster the integration of students with disabilities and long-term illnesses, and the organisation of inclusive campuses aimed at secondary school students with disabilities. Sustainability has been reinforced through the monitoring of water and energy consumption in buildings thanks to the SIRENA information system.

The BKC has managed the adaptation of spaces and classrooms on the Campus to the requirements of the European Higher Education Area. It has also cooperated with secondary education and vocational training and implemented teaching innovation projects.

Both universities have implemented a technology innovation centre (CIT UPC and CITA UB) as a meeting point between research groups and companies for exchange of knowledge and technology. The UPC's K2M building is a new business incubator facility for university-industry start-ups. The presence of the universities in international fairs and activities has increased.

The BKC has also emphasised the promotion of interaction with the local area. Some areas have been improved, including the ETSEIB's Plaça de l'Enginy, and measures have been taken to encourage pedestrianisation, cycling and vehicle sharing on the Campus.

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