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International Prize for an ETSAB urban development project to regenerate a Shanghai railway station area

A team of the Barcelona School of Architecture (ETSAB) of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), led by Professor Estanislao Roca, won a joint second prize with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the International Student Urban Design Competition for the Shanghai Railway Station Area, ahead of Tongji University, Cardiff University and Southeast University, Nanjing, and only behind the winners of the first prize, Harvard University.

The project to design a large urban park with facilities on a 40-hectare site in the heart of Shanghai, China submitted by a team of the Barcelona School of Architecture of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) includes covering part of the railroads and creating a new centrality in the city of Shanghai with a downtown area of eight skyscrapers. The project proposes transforming the railway tracks of the historic urban station from a barrier into an urban hinge.

The International Student Urban Design Competition for the Shanghai Railway Station Area was organised by the Planning and Land Administration Bureau of Zhabei District and co-organised by Shanghai Tongji Urban Planning & Design Institute. The competition was aimed at international university students and its brief was to seek alternative urban design proposals and resolve the problems of the central district of Zhabei, currently divided by the railway tracks of Shanghai’s central station.

equip-upc-barcelona-team-interior.jpgThe urban proposal was presented on 21 November at the Haishang Cultural Centre of Shanghai by representatives of the UPC Barcelona Team: professor Estanislao Roca, director of the UPC’s Department of Urbanism and Regional Planning and leader of the team, and students Pablo Baena, Lluís Bellera, Roberto Pérez and Aliaksandra Smirnova, in addition to Melisa Pesos, Zhengyu Xu and Maria José Masnou. The team consists of 12 students, two architects and four professors, in addition to the director.

Among the best, along with Harvard
The team won the joint second prize with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, behind Harvard University and ahead of Tongji University, Cardiff University and Southeast University, Nanjing, which had all been finalists in the competition.

The UPC’s proposal included the idea of regenerating traditional lilong residences, Chinese cultural buildings and the market located in the district. The planned park is based on the concepts of a smart, inclusive, friendly and sustainable city in which trade, leisure, nature, transportation, culture and technology coexist. It also provides relocation of the affected houses.

The UPC team may now act as advisors in the transformation of this area of Shanghai.

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