The UPC's Applied Bioacoustics Laboratory is the only scientific team in southern Europe involved in the European project ACCESS
International scientists warn about the melting of the Arctic Ocean
The European project Arctic Climate Change, Economy and Society (ACCESS) will help determine the actions that can be carried out to ensure sustainable development in the Arctic Ocean in the next 25 years. Over a period of four years, the researchers have analysed the social, economic and political consequences and effects on the ecosystem of climate change and increased activity in the area. Now, in the final phase of the project, the recommendations to be presented by the scientists to the European Commission and the public deal with aspects such as governance, resource extraction, fishing, aquaculture, shipping and freight. These recommendations will have international repercussions.
href="https://saladepremsa2.upc.edu/en"" target="_blank">UPC’s Bioacoustic Applications Laboratory analyses impact of noise pollution in the Arctic Ocean
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