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The UPC climbs 15 places to number 28 in the QS Top 50 Under 50 ranking

It is among the world's top 30 universities under 50 years old

The QS Top 50 Under 50 ranking, published on 24 November, places the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) among the 100 best universities in the world under 50 years old. The University's current position in 28th place is 15 places higher than in the previous edition. It is also still the first Spanish technical university in the ranking.

The UPC was first ranked in the QS Top 50 Under 50 ranking in 2013, when it reached 43rd place, and the same result was obtained in 2014. This year it has significantly improved its international classification by climbing to 28th place.

In addition, the QS Top 50 Under 50 ranking places the UPC as the leading technical university and the fourth overall in Spain, the third university in Catalonia and the ninth in Europe.

The QS Top 50 Under 50 ranks universities under 50 years old according to their results in the latest edition of the QS World University Ranking (QS WUR). The UPC has improved its position in the QS Top 50 Under 50 thanks to its climb from 337th to 299th place in the latest edition of the overall ranking.

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