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The honorary prize consists of the publication of the winning story by Iniciativa Digital Politècnica

Last call for entries to the 23rd edition of the UPC Science Fiction Award

The UPC Science Fiction Award is the most important science fiction award in Spain and is open to unpublished stories from all over the world. The deadline for entries to the 23rd edition is 15 June 2016.

The biennial UPC Science Fiction Award has been organised by the UPC's Board of Trustees since 1991. Its aim is to highlight new science fiction stories written in Catalan, Spanish, English or French. The promoters of the award felt that science fiction was the most suitable genre for the UPC because it unifies the concepts of science, technology and literature and introduces students to concepts of fiction that correspond to reality.

The call for entries for this 23rd edition of the Award has been open since 21 December 2015 and the deadline is 2 p.m. on 15 June 2016. Stories may be submitted on paper or in digital format to the postal or email addresses of the Board of Trustees stated in the rules of the Award.

The jury is composed of teaching and research staff of the UPC and people from outside the University, all of whom are linked to the world of science fiction. The jury will award an honorary prize and, if it sees fit, a special mention. As in previous years, a further prize may be given to participants from the UPC community, who should state that they are members of the University when they submit their manuscript.

The honorary prize consists of the publication of the winning story in electronic format by Iniciativa Digital Politècnica in 2017 and the production of printed copies on demand.

An established genre at the UPC
The UPC has been one of the pioneering universities in using science fiction narrative to complement and reinforce scientific and humanistic education. The Library of the University’s Terrassa Campus has a Comics and Aeronautics collection that offers a view of aeronautics through real and fictional stories and features heroes such as Captain Harlock, Flash Gordon and Blake and Mortimer and artists such as Paul Gillon, Moebius and Hugo Pratt. This collection complements the science fiction literature in the Rector Gabriel Ferraté Library and the EPSEVG Library, which are available online.

In spring 2015 the UPC took the world of science to the 33rd Barcelona International Comic Fair, which was dedicated to fantasy and the conquest of space. UPC professors who are experts in aeronautical engineering, informatics, telecommunications and popular science had their own stand at the Fair, which is organised each year by FICOMIC.

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