Focus will be on boosting UPC participation in KICs in urban mobility planned for 2018
Lluís Jofre appointed director of CARNET project and SEAT-UPC Enterprise Chair, with Robert Griñó to serve as academic director
This year Lluís Jofre, who holds a degree in Telecommunications from the UPC and is a professor at the ETSETB, will direct both the CARNET (Cooperative Automotive Research Network) project, a research and innovation hub that focuses on the automotive industry and future urban mobility, and the SEAT-UPC Enterprise Chair, which launched the CARNET project. He will work with IOC director Robert Griñó, who will serve as the academic director of the Chair.
href="https://saladepremsa2.upc.edu/en"href="https://saladepremsa2.upc.edu/en"" target="_blank">Department of Automatic Control at the Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering (ETSEIB).
As a researcher, he is attached to the Advanced Control of Energy Systems (ACES) group, and he has extensive experience in digital control, non-linear control, and control of electronic power converters. Prof. Griño’s expertise in advance automation has earned him a place on various research projects at both the national and European level.
As a researcher, he is attached to the Advanced Control of Energy Systems (ACES) group, and he has extensive experience in digital control, non-linear control, and control of electronic power converters. Prof. Griño’s expertise in advance automation has earned him a place on various research projects at both the national and European level.
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