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Now integrated in the FUTUR website

New version of the UPC Experts Directory for the Media

To increase the visibility of the research areas at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), a new version of the UPC Experts Directory for the Media has been published. Journalists can search the Directory by areas of expertise to find the researchers who are best able to respond to requests for the latest news on science and technology at the UPC.

The UPC's Communication Service, through the Media Office, and the Libraries, Publications and Archives Service have created a new version of the UPC Experts Directory for the Media, previously published in the online Press Room and now forming part of the FUTUR website for the scientific output of UPC researchers. Journalists can browse the UPC Experts Directory or use its search engine to find the first names, surnames, fields of study or keywords of the researchers they can contact through the Media Office.

The Directory will give more visibility to the UPC's research in the fields of architecture, engineering, sciences and technology. As the Directory now forms part of the FUTUR website, it offers information on the researchers' publications, doctoral theses, patents and research projects, updated weekly in Catalan, Spanish and English.

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Fundació Espanyola per a la Ciència i la Tecnologia Any de la Ciència 2007 Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
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