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House record of the legacy of the Catalan architect

Oriol Bohigas Library presented at the UPC’s Barcelona School of Architecture

On 28 April, the Barcelona School of Architecture (ETSAB) of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) hosted an academic ceremony presenting the Oriol Bohigas Library that had architects Rafael Moneo, Eduardo Mangada and Pere Joan Ravetllat and author Jordi Coca as speakers. The ceremony, which took place in the entrance hall of the Library (Avinguda Diagonal, 649) and was conducted by the rector of the UPC, Enric Fossas, and the director of the ETSAB, Jordi Ros, reconstructed the multifaceted legacy of the architect Oriol Bohigas both in Barcelona and in our institution.

The four speakers reconstructed a story that unfolded over time: Rafael Moneo focused on a revolutionary Oriol Bohigas who was the director of the ETSAB in the turbulent 1970s; Pere Joan Ravetllat discussed his influence on the School’s Design Chair; Eduardo Mangada remembered him as an ideologue and visionary of the Olympic city who led the Town Planning Department at the Barcelona City Council; and Jordi Coca emphasised his promotion of the Barcelona library network during his term as Councillor for Culture.

A research and reference library
The fact that the ETSAB Library has been renamed the Oriol Bohigas Library gives the UPC the opportunity to reassert the power of books and written culture as an essential vehicle for constructing the discipline of architecture and its meaning over time, and to make part of this master architect’s legacy available for research and reference in the future. The Library now holds the 34 volumes that contain all of his press articles (1945-2015), which, once they have been digitised, will provide an unprecedented, open-access text atlas of newspaper cuttings and fragments.

The donation of the architect’s professional library at the MBM practice comprises 91 linear metres (4,000 volumes) of books and journals on architecture, urbanism and the history of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries—a bibliographic collection that journeys across the architect’s intellectual geographies, covering Italy, France, England and the United States—that converse with a modern age that includes a century of architecture.

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