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Report published in issue 248 of the magazine Informacions (January 2012)

Precasting: made-to-measure bridges

The Spanish precasting industry is in good health and is taking the lead in Europe. Precasting has facilitated the development of a new generation of concrete bridges that offer a high level of performance, both structurally and aesthetically. Lecturers with the Barcelona School of Civil Engineering explain the key factors that have made this possible.

href=""href=""" target="_blank"> Department of Construction Engineering has been working with leading companies in the precast concrete sector, such as Prainsa. The University’s role has been to provide scientific and technical support in the development of what is currently one of the most advanced types of bridge in the world. Antonio Marí and Enrique Mirambell stress how important it has been to generate new synergies for university-business collaboration. Examples of this cooperation include structural analysis work that has served as a basis for building bridges such as Las Pilas in Barbastro, the bridge that spans the Cinca River, and a bridge that runs across the Zaragoza ring road.

pont prefabricat continu de formigó pretesat de la ronda de saragossa.Few limits on transport of large structures

The use of precast structures is an increasingly common practice in Spain. This development has been possible thanks to legislation that permits the transport and handling of large masses. Regulations in force limit axle weight but not the total load a vehicle can carry. This means it is possible to transport very heavy beams. In addition, pieces up to five metres wide can be transported, provided that special vehicles are used and convoys include escort vehicles. The regulatory framework in place has facilitated the development of precasting and the transport of large concrete and metal structures. 

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