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Report published in issue 256 of the magazine Informacions (January - February 2013)

Research improves leather and tanning process

Scientific advances in fields like nanotechnology are transforming the tanning of skins. In Europe, age-old traditions are giving way to an industry that relies on R&D to produce leather products with innovative properties and make processes more sustainable. The Igualada-based A³ Chair in Leather Innovation, in which the UPC participates, has become an internationally recognised technology partner in the leather cluster.

href=""href=""href=""">A³ Chair in Leather Innovation in early 2012. The Chair is a joint initiative of the UPC (through the EEI), the Igualada City Council, the Association for Research in Leather and Related Industries (AIICA) and the Spanish Chemical Association for the Leather Industry (AQEIC). A total of 175 companies—from SMEs to multinationals like Louis Vuitton, Loewe, Tous, Kemira, BASF, Munich and Inditex—have requested research-related services from the A³ Chair team.

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