Xavier Franch of the Department of Service and Information System Engineering at the UPC is the scientific coordinator.
Researchers at the FIB improve software applications based on user experience
The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) is participating in the SUPERSEDE project carried out under the EU's Horizon 2020 programme. The project aims to improve software applications through users’ experience. Companies and institutions from five European countries are involved in the project.
href="https://saladepremsa2.upc.edu/en"href="https://saladepremsa2.upc.edu/en"" target="_blank">Department of Service and Information System Engineering of the UPC and are attached to the Barcelona School of Informatics. Also participating in the project are the Austrian branch of Siemens, the Spanish company ATOS, the German SEnerCon, the Italian Delta Informatica, the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, and the University of Zurich. SIEMENS, ATOS and SEnerCon provide case studies in the fields of smart cities, broadcasting of major sporting events and efficient energy use, respectively.
The SUPERSEDE project is carried out in the section of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and the pillar Industrial Leadership of the Horizon 2020 programme, which has a budget of over €74 million for the period 2014-2020 to promote research, technological development, demonstration and innovation in Europe.
The picture shows a diagram of how the toolkit can help develop applications and software within the SUPERSEDE project, taking into account user feedback to make decisions of all types on the final product.
The SUPERSEDE project is carried out in the section of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and the pillar Industrial Leadership of the Horizon 2020 programme, which has a budget of over €74 million for the period 2014-2020 to promote research, technological development, demonstration and innovation in Europe.
The picture shows a diagram of how the toolkit can help develop applications and software within the SUPERSEDE project, taking into account user feedback to make decisions of all types on the final product.
More information:
The project's page on CORDIS, the European Commission's information service on research and development
The project's page on CORDIS, the European Commission's information service on research and development
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