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The deadline is 31 October and the winner will be announced on 23 December

The deadline for submissions to the SEAT-UPC Chair’s international competition to find the best doctoral thesis has been extended

The deadline for submissions to the competition organised for the first time by the SEAT Chair of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC) has been extended. A cash prize of €2,000 will be awarded to the best doctoral thesis of 2013 on science and technology in automotive engineering. Theses can be submitted until 31 October and the winner will be announced on 23 December.

The competition organised by the SEAT-UPC Chair, with a cash prize of €2,000, intends to highlight and make visible the research carried out by young researchers in the initial stages of their careers in science and technology in the field of automotive engineering. The competition is open to doctoral candidates who defended and passed their doctoral thesis in 2013 at a university, higher education institution or research institute in Europe.

To submit your thesis to the competition, fill in the form and attach a copy of your thesis, your CV and a letter of motivation from your tutor. The deadline is 26 September and the results will be published on 31 October.

The SEAT-UPC company chair, which is based on a history of collaboration between the two organisations, acts across disciplines in the areas of education, research and the transfer of research results.

Located on the premises of the Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering (ETSEIB), the Chair offers specialised postgraduate and continuing education courses. It allows UPC engineering students to go on paid work placements at SEAT’s Technical Centre in Martorell and to work on their final theses at the Centre. The Chair disseminates numerous events and activities related to the automotive sector and fosters joint university-enterprise projects for technology transfer and innovation.

The technical management of the SEAT-UPC Chair is carried out by the UPC’s Innovation and Technology Centre (CIT UPC).

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