Navigation signals for Earth observation are tested from space
The first Catalan nanosatellite, designed by the UPC, was successfully launched with three experiments on board
CubeCat-2 is the first Catalan nanosatellite to be placed in orbit. Designed and built by researchers of the Remote Sensing Laboratory of the Department of Signal Theory and Communications and the NanoSat Lab, both at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), the satellite carries three experiments to demonstrate the feasibility of techniques and technologies related to the use of satellite navigation signals for remote sensing applications. It will also test instruments for a future mission of the European Space Agency.
href="https://saladepremsa2.upc.edu/es"" target="_blank">An interview with Hugo Carreño and Roger Jové, former doctoral students of the UPC at the NanoSat Lab, in the section We are UPC (in Spanish)
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