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The UPC is the top Spanish technical university in the 2018 QS Graduate Employability Rankings

The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) is placed as the top technical university in Spain in the 2018 QS Graduate Employability Rankings. In this edition, the UPC is the second university in Catalonia and the fourth in Spain. It is among the top 120 in the world and the top 41 in Europe in employability.

The 2018 edition of the QS Graduate Employability Rankings was published on 12 September 2017. It evaluates student employability and analyses employer reputation, employer-student connections, partnerships with employers, graduate employment rate and alumni outcomes. In Spain, the UPC is the top technical university and the fourth university in employability, behind the University of Navarra, the Complutense University of Madrid and the University of Barcelona. The ranking, headed by Stanford University, places the UPC in the 111-120 range in the world and in the 36-41 range in Europe.

In comparison with last year's edition, the UPC has increased its overall score by 4.5 points, advancing especially in employer-student connections, for which it obtained 43.7 points. It has also increased its score in graduate employment rate and, although to a lesser extent, in partnerships with employers and employer reputation.

The ranking, drawn up by the consultant Quacquarelli Symonds, now classifies 500 institutions of the total of 600 analysed. In the pilot edition of 2016, it classified 200 universities and in 2017 it classified 300.

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