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The Vives Network, in defence of Catalan language

The General Council of the Vives Network issues the following statement in defence of the Catalan lenguage:

The General Council of the Vives Network, composed of 21 universities from Catalonia, Valencian Community, Balearic Islands, Northern Catalonia, Andorra and Sardinia considers the following:

1. As we expressed in previous press releases, we state that, in some Catalan-speaking territories, during the last years, Catalan language has been suffering a wave of offences that have altered the framework for coexistence among languages.

2. The rectors of the Vives Network reaffirm the commitment to the defence of Catalan language, as the principal backbone and heritage in the territories of all universities belonging to the Network.

Castelló de la Plana,
December 11th, 2012

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