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The FNB is sending a male and a female crew

Two crews of the Barcelona School of Nautical Studies are taking part in the EDHEC 2017 international sailing regatta

From 31 March to 8 April, a female and a male crew of the Barcelona School of Nautical Studies (FNB) of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) will compete in the 2017 edition of the Course Croisière EDHEC international university regatta, which is held annually in Brittany. A total of 3,000 students from 165 universities will take part on board 180 sailing boats.

The 49th edition of the Course Croisière EDHEC will take place from 31 March to 8 April in the French port of Arzón in Brittany, where 3,000 students from 165 universities will compete with a total of 180 boats. The participants include two crews from the UPC's FNB, one of eight women and one of seven men.

The male crew, composed of Daniel Sanz, Josep Navarro, Carlos Manera, Gerard Garcia, Erwin Douglas, Alexandre Cerdán and Ros Vidal, took part in the regatta last year and were qualified in the middle of the table. The female crew is taking part for the first time. “We all liked the idea of competing on equal terms with male crews, so we decided to go ahead”, says a member of the female crew.

The first female sailing crew in Spain is composed of Núria Ferrés, Clara Cervera, Rosa de Fez, Júlia Reche, Martina Reche, Esperança Ruiz, Eva Torres and Sandra Santos.

imatge del vaixell de la upc a la regata internacional edhec.In recent weeks, both crews have combined their studies and training with their professors in the Olympic Port of Barcelona, in order to establish a strategy and guidelines to follow during the competition.

In this monotype race, everyone competes with the same type of boat, a Grand Surprise, so all crews compete on equal terms. Weather conditions may therefore be a major factor.

The Course Croisière EDHEC, dating back to 1969, is the most prestigious and oldest university regatta in Europe. It promotes a series of commitments by the competitors, such as solidarity, responsibility, innovation and respect for the environment.

With a history of almost 250 years, the FNB has a long tradition of participation in inter-university races, such as the University Sailing Championship, in which it competed in May 2015.

Naval, marine and nautical engineering degrees
Currently, the FNB offers bachelor's degrees in Naval Systems and Technology Engineering, in Nautical Science and Maritime Transport and in Marine Technologies, as well as a double degree in Marine Technologies and Naval Systems and Technology Engineering.

It offers master's degrees in Nautical Science and Maritime Transport Management and the Management and Operation of Marine Energy Facilities, and next year it will launch the new master's degree in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering.

els participants de la course cruisière.

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