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UPC among world’s top 10 universities in three scientific categories according to CWUR Rankings by Subject

In the CWUR Rankings by Subject, the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) is rated the fourth best university in the world, and first in Europe, in two categories: Multidisciplinary Engineering and Interdisciplinary Applications of Mathematics. It also ranks ninth in Europe, and fourth among European universities, in Construction and Building Technology. The UPC is the only Spanish university included in the rankings for these three categories.

The first edition of the CWUR Rankings by Subject, published on 3 April by the Center for World University Rankings of King Abdulaziz University in Saudi Arabia, ranks the world’s top 10 universities in the 227 subject categories used in Journal Citation Reports (JCR). Data is obtained from Clarivate Analytics (previously the Intellectual Property and Science business of Thomson Reuters). The rankings are based on a single metric that focuses on the scientific output of over 26,000 institutions. The reference bibliographic database for the rankings is the Web of Science, and the metric used takes into account the number of scientific articles by authors from each institution published in top-tier journals in the last 10 years.

The UPC is ranked among the world’s 10 best universities in the three categories indicated above (of the 227 considered). Overall, it ranks 142nd among the 365 world universities that are included in at least one category ranking. The UPC is also ranked fourth in the world in both Multidisciplinary Engineering, with a score of 96.03 out of 100, and Interdisciplinary Applications of Mathematics, with a score of 94.38. In the Construction and Building Technology category, the University ranks ninth in the world, with a score of 88.16.

The UPC is the only Spanish technical university that has earned a place on the rankings. In all, eight Spanish higher education institutions are included in at least one of the lists: the University of Valencia (5 times), the UB (4), the UPC (3), the UAB (2), the University of Navarra (1), Carlos III University of Madrid (1), the University of Granada (1) and the University of Castilla–La Mancha (1).

Rankings by subject can be consulted by clicking on this link:

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