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The Sino-Spanish Campus (SSC@TU) is the first Spanish university campus to be opened in China

UPC and UPM open campus at Tongji University in Shanghai

The new campus, which is funded through the International Campus of Excellence and launched by the three universities, is set to become a platform for strengthening higher education and research in engineering, technology and applied sciences.

On 25 May, the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC), the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and Tongji University, one of the most prestigious universities in China, signed an agreement in Shanghai to create the Sino-Spanish Campus (SSC@TU) at the Chinese university. The joint university campus is the first physical base of a Sino-Spanish consortium involving Spanish universities to be set up in China and one of the catalysts for collaboration with the Asian country.

The new university hub is set to become a platform for strengthening higher education and research in the fields of engineering, technology and applied sciences, and will provide a reference point for the university communities of the UPC and the UPM to undertake study and research in China and other Asian countries. It will also promote relations with China, mobility programmes and new double-degree agreements with universities in the country.

SSC@TU, which will start its activities in the 2012/2013 academic year, will become a permanent site for the UPC and the UPM and a logistics base open to Spanish institutions and companies. The campus—funded by the International Campus of Excellence (CEI)—will house an information centre for Chinese students and teaching staff with an interest in the courses taught by the UPC, the UPM and other Spanish universities. The centre will also serve to welcome Spanish students and researchers who are visiting or staying at universities in Shanghai.

The new campus is divided into five areas: civil engineering, materials engineering, architecture, electronic engineering and informatics engineering, each of which will be coordinated by a lecturer from one of the three universities involved in the consortium.

Mobility. The agreement particularly favours mobility among students and teaching staff from the three universities. By virtue of the agreement, Tongji University will provide students from the UPC and the UPM with free accommodation in the framework of the annual 20+20 exchange programme. Tongji also offers short- and medium-term stays in Shanghai for lecturers from the two Spanish universities.

Doctoral programmes. Joint doctoral programmes in areas of interest to the SSC@TU are planned.

Joint research projects. The agreement aims to promote joint research projects with the participation of Spanish and Chinese companies, as well as joint participation in multidisciplinary research projects that receive Chinese, Spanish or European funding.

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