The project – the only one coordinated by an institution in Spain – is one of five selected in the most recent European call for proposals to develop pilot industrial projects based on nanotechnologies, advanced materials, advanced manufacturing and proce
Leadership of a European project aimed at using ultrasound to produce antimicrobial textiles and devices on an industrial scale
Researcher and professor Tzanko Tzanov, who works on the Terrassa Campus of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), is the leader of the European PROTECT project, which focuses on applying ultrasound technology in the industrial-scale manufacture of textiles and devices coated with antimicrobial nanoparticles. The technology will be used to coat medical textiles, materials used in public areas, medical devices, and water treatment membranes. The project, which is expected to be completed four years from now, involves the participation of 22 partners in eight European countries, including the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and the Textile Industry Research Association (AITEX), which is based in Alcoy (Alicante).
href="https://saladepremsa2.upc.edu/en"" target="_blank">UPC researchers eliminate infectious bacteria from medical textiles
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