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The new restraint system is also cheaper and more sustainable to build than current solutions and has begun to be installed on interurban roads

UPC technology in the design of a road safety barrier that reduces maintenance costs and the impact of accidents

Researchers belonging to the Concrete Structure Technology research group of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), along with the companies GIVASA, SERVIÀ CANTÓ, EIFFAGE INFRAESTRUCTURAS and Applus+ IDIADA, have designed and built a prototype of a concrete crash barrier for interurban roads that, in comparison with the concrete barriers already in place, reduces the degree of severity of vehicle impact in accidents and therefore of injury to vehicle occupants.

href=""">UPC’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

Simulation and testing
Standardised impact tests were performed on various barrier configurations that had previously been simulated using advanced numerical models at the facilities of Applus+ IDIADA. This reduced the number of full-scale tests, because the simulation results enabled geometric and mechanical variables to be analysed beforehand.

The impact of buses and heavy goods vehicles was also tested to check the barrier’s containment capacity, and initial results were excellent. The project has the support of the RACC.

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