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The prestigious prizes were awarded in New York on 23 October

uWhisp, a company created at the UPC, wins the 2012 World Technology Awards

uWhisp, a company that has created a tool for sending voice messages to the social networks, won the prize for Marketing Communications in the 2012 World Technology Awards.

href=""">UPC’s Innova Programme, which promotes the setting up of innovative projects and companies by the university community. uWhisp was a finalist in the first Emprèn UPC competition in 2011, and received advice on drawing up its business plan.

Nomination for the prize has converted Joan Casas into a member of the World Technology Network composed of over 1000 scientists, entrepreneurs, financiers, journalists, academics and politicians of over 200 organisations and companies worldwide. These persons are those who choose the winners of these prizes, which have 20 individual categories and 10 categories for companies and organisations. The prizes are awarded to the persons and organisations doing the innovative work of “the greatest likely long-term significance” in their fields.

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