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Published in issue 251 of the magazine Informacions (April 2012)

UWHISP, the voice of social networks

Four graduates from the UPC Barcelona School of Informatics have presented UWHISP, a tool that promises to revolutionise social network communications. By installing a simple plug-in on their browsers, users can send voice messages easily and conveniently via Facebook, Twitter or any other website that accepts written text.

href=""" target="_blank">Innova Programme, which helps members of the university community to develop innovative projects and create start-ups. Although they were not among the finalists, they did receive advice in the framework of the programme. The creators of UWHISP then heard of a school for entrepreneurs that chose their project from among the top 20 Spanish projects presented, and they were awarded a free, comprehensive business course. The team's decisive impulse came when they received 50,000 euros from the National Innovation Enterprise (ENISA) and 82,000 euros from business angels.

In an age when communication is largely based on image, UWHISP aims to humanise comments made on the internet by enabling users to convey the power and emotion of their voices. However, the founders of the company are aware of the importance of video and are conducting trials in this area. They are also working on a version for iPhone and Android so that smartphone and tablet users can access the tool.

Another improvement will be the positioning optimisation of whisps on Google, which will allow them to be searched by keywords.

UWHISP responds

Iuri Aranda, Joan Casas, Miquel Las Heras and Miquel Puig

February 2012

Application for creating, sending and playing voice messages via social networks


Who is it for?
Users of social networks

What does it do?

It enables users to convey the power and emotion of the human voice over social networks

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