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The UPC is the first Spanish university to establish a double degree program with China

The UPC's School of Civil Engineering and Tongji University (China) have established a shared curricular pathway in civil engineering studies

On November 17, Antoni Giró, the president of the UPC, and Pei Gang, the rector of Tongji University, one of the most prestigious universities in China, formalized an agreement to establish a shared curricular pathway for students at the UPC's School of Civil Engineering of Barcelona (ETSECCPB) and Tongji University to obtain a double diploma recognized by the two institutions. The UPC is the first Spanish university to sign an agreement of this kind with a Chinese university.

This outstanding joint program is open to only five specially selected candidates. During the second year at the ETSECCPB, a jury made up of members of the ETSECCPB and Tongji University will select the candidates according to their academic performance and level of English.

The successful students from the UPC will take two master's degrees at Tongji, at the end of which they will submit a thesis in Catalan, Spanish or English and an abstract in Chinese that they will then officially defend at the Chinese university in the presence of a professor from the ETSECCPB.

The pre-selected candidates from Tongji University, who must have completed the first three years of a bachelor's degree, will take the first year of the Master's Degree in Civil Engineering and the fifth year of the Degree in Civil Engineering or the Degree in Geological Engineering at the ETSECCPB. They will also be expected to defend a thesis on completion of their studies.

A double master's degree in engineering from Tongji University and in civil engineering from the UPC will be awarded at the end of the shared curricular pathway.

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